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Quick Quiz


1. Agarose is a

a) Polysaccharide obtained from red algae

b) Polysaccharide obtained from brown algae

c) Monosaccharide obtained from brown algae

d) Monosaccharide obtained from red algae


​2. By using the SDS-PAGE, proteins are separated based on their

a) Negatively charged side chain

b) Molecular weight

c) Charge to mass ratio

d) Different isoelectric points


3. In an SDS-PAGE gel

a) Proteins are denatured by SDS

b) Proteins have the same charge to mass ratio

c) Smaller proteins migrate more rapidly through the gel

d) All of the above


4. The gel electrophoresis is not running properly when

a) It bubbles

b) The methyl blue move from the well into the gel

c) The DNA runs to red

d) All of the above


5. A scientists load DNA of known sizes into the agarose gel because

a) To practice loading the DNA before you get to the important DNA

b) All of the empty slots on gel need to be fill in to run the electrophoresis

c) To determine the sizes of unknowns sample by comparison

d) To know how long the gel needs to run

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